Sunday, January 7, 2007

How to Cash Out

This tutorial will show you step by step, with the aid of pictures, how to cash out your hard earned money.

1. In the top left corner of your Internet browser, you will see your account balance. To the right of that, you will see a button that says Redeem. Click it.

2. You will now see a screen with many different methods of cashing out. You can choose any method you like, I always use PayPal to cash out, so I will show you that method.
3. Enter the amount you wish to cash out and click Add To Cart. I am cashing out 5 dollars so I would enter 5.00 in the box, as shown.4. You will now see the image below in your cash cart (of course, the 'Total' area may vary). Click Proceed Cashout and you are done.

Congratulations! You have cashed out! Please allow 24-48 hours for this amount to appear. My cash outs usually appear in 36 hours or less.

Remember, I only showed you how to cash out via PayPal. There are many more methods, including online and in-store gift certificate and point transfers.

You can also redeem you tokens for QuickRewards branded items (T-Shirts and tote bags), magazines, gift certificates, or plushies. You can also donate tokens in 1,000 increments.

NOTE: If your PayPal address is different from the email address you used to sign up, please indicate your PayPal address in the comments section.

1 comment:

Logan Michael said...

Can anyone tell me what the dark blue points mean? and what I can do with them?