Wednesday, January 10, 2007


To picture below shows QuickRewards navigational bar as seen at the top of the screen (for the 'Clear' theme

The 'Home' button takes to to QuickRewards homepage
The 'Earn Cash' button takes you to a page outlining every possible opportunity to earn cash on QuickRewards
The 'Shopping' button takes you to a page outlining every store that QuickRewards offers cashback bonuses on
The 'Services' button is disabled
The 'Cashout Store' button takes you to outlining all the methods you can use to cashout
The 'Help' button takes you to the Help Resource Center

You will also notice a small bar along the top of your screen. It displays the current amount of cash in your account, the current amount of QuickPoints in your account. There are also a few buttons in bright green along the top.
The 'Sign Out' button signs you out of QuickRewards
The 'Daily Checklist' button takes you to QuickRewards hompage
The 'My Account' button takes you to your account panel
The 'Forum' button takes you to QuickRewards' forum

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